Destroyed synagogues of Berlin: Freiheit, Köpenick

The synagogue in the street “An der Freiheit” (Freedom) in Köpenick was inaugurated in 1910. During the November 1938 pogroms (Reichskristallnacht) the synagogue was devastated, looted and set on fire by members of the SA.  However, the fire damage was limited probably because of the neighbouring houses in the terraced street. Additional damage by Allied air raids made it unrecoverable and it was completely demolished after 1945.

Single layer colour linocut edition of 4

Print size: 34 x 28 cm, paper size: 38 x 57 cm.

Paper: Canson Edition 250 gsm, 100% cotton, pH neutral and archival

In 1889 the Jewish community in Köpenick was founded. It did not belong to the Berlin synagogue district and remained initially independent even after the formation of the Greater Berlin community (1920). In 1930 the “Synagogue Association Köpenick” was incorporated into the Jewish community in Berlin.

After the foundation of the Jewish community services were held in different locations including rooms belonging to hotels and restaurants such as the “Kaiserhof” or in the “Ratskeller“. Initially, the city administration refused to give the Jewish community a building permit for a place of worship before a synagogue building could be built in 1910 according to plans by the architect A. Sommerfeld. The rabbi was Sally Frank from 1908 to 1935 when he emigrated with his family to France.

Synagogue “Freiheit” (Freedom) in Köpenick, Berlin. During the November 1938 pogrom the synagogue was devastated, looted and set on fire by members of the SA. Additional damage by Allied air raids made it unrecoverable and it was completely demolished after 1945. The Hebrew inscription reads “And this is the gate of heaven”.

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