Daniela has worked as film maker for 15 years. Her background in anthropology and journalism is the ideal pratform for her productions, mainly documentaries about food, life stories, companies and ecology for public and private customers. Over the last years, Stephan has assisted by editing. We also make documentaries out of our own interest, in general low budget and sometimes with partial funding from supporting organisations.
Each Flavour is a Journey
The film portrays the life stories of people from different Jewish backgrounds for whom cooking is an essential part of their Jewish way of life. It is a journey through history, cultures, and religion, giving a glimpse at life and the cultural transmission of food over time.
Jedes Aroma ist eine Reise
Ein Dokumentarfilm in Berlin Über jüdische Speisen in Berlin, in dem jüdisches Leben neu erwacht.
Dirigiert und produziert Daniela Rusowsky, Funk Productions. Schnitt : Stephan M G Funk. Unterstützt durch Stiftung Zurückgeben, die kreative Projekte jüdischer Frauen in Deutschland unterstützt.